Devon and Bedfordshire/Cambridgeshire

Danaë K Stevens: The breeding ecology of the Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata in lowland England
University of Reading PhD thesis 2008

This 2004-06 study examined the breeding ecology of Spotted Flycatchers in farmland, woodland and garden habitats in two regions of lowland England (Devon and on the border of Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire) with contrasting population trends.

Some of the material within the thesis (and available above) was also published separately:

Stevens, D.K., Anderson, G.Q.A., Grice, P.V. & Norris, K. (2007). Breeding success of Spotted Flycatchers Muscicapa striata in southern England – is woodland a good habitat for this species?
Ibis 149 (supp. 2): 214-22.

Danaë K. Stevens , Guy Q. A. Anderson , Philip V. Grice , Ken Norris & Nigel Butcher (2008).
Predators of Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata nests in southern England as determined by digital nest-cameras,
Bird Study, 55:2, 179-187

Bolton, M., Butcher, N., Sharpe, F., Stevens, D. & Fisher, G. (2007).
Remote monitoring of nests using digital camera technology.
Journal of Field Ornithology, 78, 213-220.

Pierce, A.J., Stevens, D.K., Mulder, R. & Salewski, V. (2007).
Plastic colour rings and the incidence of leg injury in flycatchers (Muscicapidae, Monarchidae and Dicruridae).
Ringing & Migration, 23, 205-210.