Other stuff

Social media and cats

Using social media: good practice guidelines from
the Ringing Committee

Ringing News, Autumn 2012

Even scientists take selfies with wild animals
Here’s why they shouldn’t
Christine A. Ward-Paige, Dalhousie University
From The Conversation, 2016

The moral cost of cats
A bird-loving scientist calls for an end to outdoor cats ‘once and for all’
Rachel E. Gross
The Smithsonian, 2016


Techniques and technology

Ten years tracking the migrations of small landbirds
Lessons learned in the golden age of bio-logging
Emily A. McKinnon & Oliver P. Love
The Auk, 2018

Measuring birds/Vögel Vermessen
Deutsche Ornithologen Gesellschaft, 2011
(new edition in preparation)

The dark art of ageing birds
Mark Grantham
BirdGuides, February 2011